Thursday, March 10, 2011

Days 21- 25

Ok, so you can see how busy things have gotten with life and P90X, I've missed my duties in keeping up with this blog for the week.

Well, we're back and it's week 4, which for those who know is a slower week, not going to say rest week with Core, Yoga and Kenpo there isn't much rest, but with Stretching tonight and no arms, shoulders, back or legs all week it does give us a bit of a break.

The past few nights have been great as we both start to actually understand all the moves for Kenpo and can put real effort into it.  We are both becoming pretty good with the punches and kicks and have managed not to mame one another with it (our basement is not that big, yielding some close calls).  I tell you, with this Kenpo, you have to wonder if a P90X Fight Club will start up!

We were speaking last night about how we are starting to see some couples drift apart or go through mid-life crises (yes, we are at that age).  The question came up as to why were not feeling that happen.  We both think that we continue to do things together and like each others company.  This program and our commitment is a great example of it.  As i've mentioned, spending over 7 hours a week together, in addition to our regular routine, is quite astounding.  So if your looking for something to do together and are willing to commit, I tell you this is one great way to go.

So, on to Core tomorrow and another Yoga on Saturday then it's into week 5 when i understand the intensity picks up!  Bring It Tony!

Thanks for Showing Up.

1 comment:

  1. I think that is one really healthy thing in our relationship as well. Doing things together will help you bond.
