Ok, so despite NOT Showing Up on my blog, we have been showing up for the workouts :-) I'll keep on top of it better now that all the extra days of skiing for our girls race teams are done!
So here's the skinny, I'm getting more motivated with every work out. Neither of us can believe how quickly the strength comes. Now that we are into week 3, as we repeat the workouts we are amazed at what we are able to do. Well done Tony, your program is working! Although the weight hasn't changed by a single ounce, but given the progress in strength, as long as the flabby abbies tighten up I'm beginning to not care about the weight.
On Sunday I really thought I wouldn't be able to Show Up. I had our 'Men's Day' on Friday at our ski club, meaning Thursday's workout was missed (something to do with eating big steaks, playing poker and drinking wine with the boys) and I wanted to make it up on Sunday. My wife and I snow-shoe a lot and we thought we should do a 5k each Saturday and Sunday (up the hill) so we and the dog could get some (more) exercise. So after that, skiing and then driving home, laundry, prepping for an early Monday morning client meeting it was after 9:30pm by the time I started with the workout. Not my brightest move of the week :-). Even though I didn't 'BRING IT', I still showed up and limped through it and glad I did after it was over, although happy thoughts and words were NOT coming out of my mouth during it!
Last night, Day 15, was great. We both flew through the push-ups and pull-ups, even those lovely Diamond Push-ups :-) Finishing off with the Flab Buster X (aka Ab Ripper X) we can almost do all 349 (or whatever that insane number of exercises is).
So, beginning of week 3 and we are Bringing It more than ever! I'll keep up the chatter so if you are out there, keep coming back.
Thanks for Showing Up!
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